
Hi, I’m Marleen. Call me Marly.

I’m a Belgian citizen who lived in France, The Netherlands and the UK for study and work. After 10+ years abroad, I resettled in Belgium with my husband. I like to make most of my limited annual leave by visiting offbeat and unusual places, diving into the local culture and staying outdoors as much as I can.

In the past decade my travel style has evolved from hopping around as much as I can to travelling more slowly, consciously and sustainably. I love exploring faraway places as much as those close to home. I always prepare thoroughly, which in itself is half of the fun! This involves seeking our the best itineraries, unique accommodation and offbeat experiences, at the best price. I trained as a linguist and make it a point to learn at least a little bit of the language of each country I visit. 

Why did I start Lipstick n’ Letters?

My friends and family think I live a hectic life and regularly question me on where I have been, where I am going and when I will be back. And equally, how I get organised and puzzle it all together. In response, I started this blog to share my stories, inspire people’s next destination and give tips on how to make most of it in a slow and sustainable way.

Some of my must-have items on my travels are writing paper and a pen, because indeed, I do write good old paper letters and postcards home. Plus I like to keep some level of style whilst on my escapades and what’s easier than throwing on some bright lipstick?